Promo Codes are a uniquely effective way to distribute as well as a means of tracking the success of your discounted offers. Incentivise new partners to make a booking or use it to simply sell more charter weeks by leveraging the Booking Manager Promo Codes feature.
Create Promo Codes
Booking Manager allows you to create another type of discounts called Promo Codes. You can easily set up the discount percentages as well as duration and share it with a select group of clients.
Promo Codes on the Go
With Booking Manager Online, among many other functions, you can create unique Promo Codes from any device you have at hand by simply logging into
Track Your Sales
The Promo Codes feature is particularly useful for Boat Shows allowing you to track the performance and success of your discount strategy. You can now quickly identify the specific sales that came through a particular Promo Code.
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To learn more about Booking Manager and get free demo of the system contact us
We always dreamed that the client could be able to get all optional extras in a few clicks. That was not possible until MMK introduced the XML service, which enabled us to get all info about current discounts and availability.
Clients Speak For Themselves
Booking Manager is one of our favorite partners, as the API data structure and performance is very good. We especially value the personal contact to the developers and their open-mindedness for constant improvement.
Clients Speak For Themselves
"We are delighted to launch our new website with Booking Manager. We chose booking manager as our partners as they offered the functionality to display live availability on our website along with modern, sleek website design. We are optimistic that the new website will bring more sales and new clients to Conch Charters."
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