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Crew List in Montenegro

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Crew Lists are important part of the preparations for charter and Booking Manager enables charter companies in Montenegro to gather the data about passengers and print the legal registration form in just few clicks

Crew List for Port Authority

Montenegro charter companies are able to issue compulsory crew lists automatically from the Booking Manager application. Legal form is respected and ready to be confirmed by the Harbour Master Office.

Fast Crew List Links

Along with the Law and Regulations compliancy Booking Manager crew list links feature helps you work faster. Send a link to your guest or Agent to insert crew data and quickly issue official Montenegro Crew List in multiple languages such as Serbian, Croatian, Russian or English as well.

Gathering Data

In just a few clicks all of your needed data about each passenger as well as each crew member is gathered in one place and ready to be exported in the format required by Montenegro Harbour Master. This allows you to work faster, more accurate and compliant with the regulations all at the same time.
Zeki Yücel

Clients Speak For Themselves

Booking Manager System was our first and only choice when starting a charter agency because of their know-how and reputation built over more than 12 years in this market.

Zeki Yücel,
Co-owner, Bavaria Yacht Broker 39 10 28 40
Ronald Patston

Clients Speak For Themselves

"We wanted this web site to be simple but advanced, modern but sophisticated and the most important: easy to use for clients. Great job by MMK team, thanks so much!"

Ronald Patston,
CEO at Island Spirit 39 10 28 40
Kennart Cose

Clients Speak For Themselves

“We expected to have a website that translates our commitment to high-level service at the very first glance. However, we didn’t expect to have it delivered in such a short time. We were very positively surprised with the level of flexibility and having our ideas implemented in such a functional way.”

Kennart Cose,
CO-Founder of Pro Deck Management 39 10 28 40